The brain
(cerebrum, cerebellum and brain stem)
- No indication
- Suspicion of haemorrhage:
- Examination for infarction, (MR diffusion is better for revealing early infarction)
- Assessment of hydrocephalus, if cause is known
- Dementia investigation (for restless patients)
- Headache investigation
- Tumor investigation
- Metastasis investigation
- Ischaemia investigation, combined with MRI angiography of intra cerebral vessels and MRI angiography of throat vessels
- MS investigation, possibly combined with MRI cervical columna
- Epilepsy investigation
- Investigation of unsteadiness/dizziness
- Suspected A-V malformation
- Sensory hearing loss
- Cranial nerve disorder
- Meningeal pathology
- Dementia investigation (when patient cooperates)
- Venous sinus thrombosis